Road Ends 5 Mile
Location Pinckey Recreation Area - Silver Lake Start Time 4/24/2016 7:41:14 AM
Category 5 Mile
Distance 5.17 miles Ascend 305 feet Descend -303 feet
Total Time 00:54:59 Moving 00:52:53 Stopped 00:02:06
Average Pace 00:10:37 min/mi Fastest Pace 00:08:03 min/mi Slowest Pace 00:20:54 min/mi
Calories 325 Average HR 158 BPM Max HR 176 BPM
Weather 41 °F Unspecified Min./Max.: 35.9 °F/45.1 °F; Pressure: 1028.1 mbar; Humidity: 54.0%; Dew point: 25.7 °F; Wind Speed: 2.0 mph; Precipitation: 0.0mm
Equipment Brooks - Pure Grit
Garmin - 910XT
Duracell - CR2032 #5
Omron - HJ-729ITC
Duracell - CR2032 #3
Garmin - Garmin Heart Rate Monitor
Notes Road Ends 5 MileTrail Run. Part of the annual Trail Marathon held at Silver Lake in the Pinckey Recreation Area.
Distance (mi) Total Time Split Time Split Pace Split Speed Elevation Change (ft)
1.00 00:10:24 00:10:24 00:10:24 5.8 73.72
2.00 00:21:03 00:10:39 00:10:40 5.6 -42.58
3.00 00:31:27 00:10:23 00:10:23 5.8 -11.31
4.00 00:43:19 00:11:52 00:11:52 5.1 75.10
5.00 00:53:25 00:10:06 00:10:06 5.9 -96.85
5.17 00:54:59 00:01:33 00:08:53 6.8 2.45